Folded Circular Design is a free Circular PowerPoint and Google Slides presentation template. This template has circular orientation and circular designs. This circular presentation template can be useful for business presentation, education presentation, consultancy presentation and many more. You can edit the color scheme of Folded Circular Design along with alignment of objects and elements to make it more relevant as per your requirement.
Download free presentation template for circular infographic design. This presentation template and design is useful for business managers and consultants. This template comes with editable layouts, text boxes and color scheme.
Features of this presentation template
- Comes with one slide
- The Slide is Flexible, Clean, Simple & Creative
- The aspect ratio is 16:9
- 1 Premade colors, 1 Color Themes included
- Just One Click for change the colors and auto recolored
- Free Fonts and Icons
- Fully and Easily editable content
Download this presentation template free of cost and use it for your presentations. Impress your audience with infographic designs.
Create best, wonderful, professional and creative presentation template and slides with Folded Circular Design in Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides .