Create best, wonderful, professional and creative presentation template for your business and profession with Horizontal Checklist. This agenda template is useful for researchers, businessmen, auditors, professionals, teachers and students.
Download horizontal checklist PowerPoint design for your presentations. Checklist designs can help you deliver information and messages via presentations in a clear cut manner. This is a five step check list ppt useful for various occasions.
Presenters can use this free 5-step checklist template in their meeting presentations to discuss the completion of tasks or plan the process steps. The checklist template is compatible with Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint. It can also be used for presenting the company goals, meeting agenda, project requirements or deliverables of the project, etc.
For quality assurance professionals, this template can show the checklist of essential procedures involved in quality control. HR teams can also describe the competence standards for each skill using this layout.
Features of this checklist PowerPoint presentation design
- 100% Editable PowerPoint Templates.
- Compatible with all major Microsoft PowerPoint versions, Keynote and Google Slides.
- Modern 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
- Scalable Vectoral PowerPoint Shapes and PowerPoint Icons.
You can completely customize the color contrast and icons placed in this Horizontal Checklist design, as per your requirement.
Create best presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides with free presentation pptx templates at SlidesGeek.
How do you prepare an agenda for presentation ?
Agenda slides are one of the important section in a good presentation. You can understand these slides as "Table of content" in a book. Basically, these slides are informative on summarizing overall intent and content of the presentation in simpliest manner. Furthermore, people use infographics to make these slides more interesting so that agenda of the presentation is clear and impactful/ informative as well. To create an agenda slide for presentations, you can follow the steps or key notes provided below -