Download General Purpose Business Free PowerPoint Template

general purpose feature image

PowerPoint Presentation templates like General Purpose Business help us in drafting professional and best presentations for business and personal use. You can customize the color scheme and designs of this Presentation template. This is a , , , based presentation template for Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Furthermore, you can explore more designs and templates in SlidesGeek. There are many other Presentation template like General Purpose Business which can be helpful for personal and professional use.

This free PowerPoint template is fully editable using PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Keynote. The color scheme and contrast used on various slides can be customized easily.

Moreover, the template is ready-to-use and easily customizable, e.g., users can replace the metaphoric icons, images, and other designing elements.

Alternatively, you can download other free presentation templates and slides, or subscribe to any of our plans to download 100% editable content for PowerPoint and Google Slides.

About General Purpose Business Presentation Template

The Free General Purpose Thin Style PowerPoint Template is a comprehensive layout for a company presentation. The sections included in this presentation template are - 

  • Table of contents
  • About Us
  • Mission and Vision
  • Our Services
  • Our Team
  • Charts & Graphs

It begins with the first slide for the Table of Contents. This slide is editable and carries a circular shape with a placeholder image. Users can add their custom items to the table and picture.

The About Us and Mission & Vision Slide contains many text boxes and graphic icons that help professionals elaborate their details and mission statement.

Further to display various services offered by the organization, users can use the Our Services slide of the thin style template.

The Our Team slide of the Free General Purpose template contains the space to display four employees. Presenters can add pictures, designation, details, and scaled skill-set of the employee.

Each skill can be represented using the editable bar graph. Lastly, there are two general-purpose slides with attractive designs to mention the additional information.

Business professionals can prepare an interactive orientation presentation using this general purpose template

Features of this presentation template

Create a presentable company profile using our Free General Purpose Thin Style PowerPoint Template. This thin design template can help professionals showcase the basics of their organization, including the mission & vision, services or portfolio, etc. This free PowerPoint template contains editable text areas, high-resolution replaceable images, and infographic icons.

  • 100% Editable PowerPoint Templates.
  • Compatible with all major Microsoft PowerPoint versions, Keynote and Google Slides.
  • Modern 16:9 Aspect Ratio.
  • Scalable PowerPoint Shapes and PowerPoint Icons.
  • Instant Access and Download.


Download General Purpose Business Presentation Template

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Template Information
Total Downloads158
Size960 KB