Create best, wonderful, professional and creative presentation template for your business and profession with STAR Model Infographics. This agenda template is useful for researchers, businessmen, auditors, professionals, teachers and students.
Download free presentation template for STAR Model Infographics. This presentation template and design is useful for business managers and consultants.
This template comes with editable layouts, text boxes and color scheme.
Understanding STAR Model
The Star Model is a business proposition model made up of five components, including people, strategy, structure, processes and rewards. The model considers the business to be at the center of the five components, forming a star. (Source :
The letters stand for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Most questions center on your past or current attitudes, and your work, academic, or service experiences.
- Situation: Set the scene and give the necessary details of your example.
- Task: Describe what your responsibility was in that situation.
- Action: Explain exactly what steps you took to address it.
- Result: Share what outcomes your actions achieved.
Features of this presentation template
- Comes with one slide
- The Slide is Flexible, Clean, Simple & Creative
- The aspect ratio is 16:9
- 1 Premade colors, 1 Color Themes included
- Just One Click for change the colors and auto recolored
- Free Fonts and Icons
- Fully and Easily editable content
Download this presentation template free of cost and use it for your presentations. Impress your audience with infographic designs.
You can completely customize the color contrast and icons placed in this STAR Model Infographics design, as per your requirement.
Create best presentations in Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides with free presentation pptx templates at SlidesGeek.
How do you prepare an agenda for presentation ?
Agenda slides are one of the important section in a good presentation. You can understand these slides as "Table of content" in a book. Basically, these slides are informative on summarizing overall intent and content of the presentation in simpliest manner. Furthermore, people use infographics to make these slides more interesting so that agenda of the presentation is clear and impactful/ informative as well. To create an agenda slide for presentations, you can follow the steps or key notes provided below -